Young diplomats from the College of Europe have been hosted by EPLO


 Director of the European Public Law Organization and the attorney at law of the High Court of Greece, Mr. Spyridon Flogaitis held the meeting with two young Georgian diplomats coming from College of Europe. 23 years old specialist of international affairs, with a high practical background in diplomacy and technologies, Bacho Chubinidze, (currently post-graduate of European Interdisciplinary Studies) congratulated the director for granting the observer status on UN General Assembly and underscored his future plans in Greece, linked with the organization, while Otar Ubilava, 24 years old criminal defense lawyer, highlighted the importance of bi-lateral relations among Greco-Georgian youth and the cooperation on state level.

The talks also included historic relations between Hellenic-Georgian culture, activities on EPLO level and the prospects of admission in European Law and Governance School, educational body under the control of the EPLO (Cape Sounios, Greece).

During their 2 week period visit, young diplomats held the meeting with the minister of foreign affairs Mr. Georgios Katrougalos and the senior lawyers of the state of Greece.